A White Ghost In The Jack O Lantern Patch is a fun spooky phantom amidst a pumpkin farm surrounded by woodland. Round orange pumpkin are growing ready to be transformed into Jack-o-lanterns for Halloween. Celebrate the arrival of Halloween:pick pumpkins!
It is time to dress in the tradition of the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain: time to light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts. Get your spook on with a cute accessory whilst trick-or-treating, carving jack-o-lanterns and eating treats.
16” x 16” bag with two 14” long and 1” wide black cotton webbing strap handles.
Made of a lightweight, spun polyester canvas-like fabric.
All seams and stress points are double-stitched for durability, and the reinforced bottom flattens to fit more items and hold larger objects.